Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean
From $3.45
King of the North Pepper
Regular price $3.45
KN Bravo Radish
Regular price $3.25
Kolibri Spinach
From $3.25
Kweik Lettuce Organic
Kyoto Cabbage
Lady Bird Rose Nasturtium
Lambs Ear
Land Cress
Large Gourd Mixture
Lavender English
Lavender Natural Air Freshner
Regular price $7.95
Legend Tomato
From $3.95
Lemon Balm
Lemon Cucumber
From $2.95
Lemon Ginger Spice Tea - 3 oz
Regular price $6.95
Lemon Mint
Lemon Natural Freshener
Lemon Pepper - Salt Free
From $6.95