Lemon Mint
Monarda citriodora. Biennial. 2'-3'.
Smooth lemon scented leaves make a fine tea and are excellent in fish dishes. Lance shaped leaves of Lemon Mint accent the purple flowers which are formed in whorls along the stem. Flowers are edible and can be used to add an interesting touch to your cookery. Bee plant.
Planting Directions: Plant outdoors after all danger of frost has past, or indoors 12-16 weeks before transplanting. May also be planted in early fall outdoors. Sow seed ¼” deep with soil temperature of 70°-80°. Germination takes 10-40 days. Once the first set of true leaves appear grow on at 60°. Transplant to the garden when plants are 4-6” tall, space plants 10 to 12” apart. . Lemon mint does best in soil amended with rich compost or a general garden fertilizer. Water heavily until plants are established then only moderate watering is needed.