About Us

Welcome to our 2025 Catalog. Download a PDF catalog HERE. This online version is updated as needed throughout the year. You can also request a paper catalog here on our site.
Nichols Garden Nursery is located in Oregon's famous Willamette Valley, where deep humus soils and mild climates have combined to bring about the best possible growing conditions. This is a contented land of small farms, green pastures, with rivers that start as small streams tumbling down from our snow-capped Cascade Mountains. No one living in this fertile, peaceful valley is ever far from the dense primeval forests of tall Douglas Fir, or the Pacific Ocean with its everchanging moods.
We have been in the seed and nursery business since 1950. Our purpose during these years has been to bring people closer to nature through gardening. Nothing can equal the sense of accomplishment and health benefits of growing hundreds of pounds of vegetables from a few ounces of seeds. Gardening keeps us physically active while providing a source of many of our most nutritious and delicious meals just a few steps out our back door.
Nichols Garden Nursery is a family business. Three generations are now involved.
We guarantee our seeds and products to be of the highest quality. If any seed or merchandise item purchased from us is unsatisfactory we will replace the item or refund the purchase price within a reasonable length of time from date of purchase.