Land Cress
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- 35 days. Land Cress is native to North America and much used as an early salad green in Western Europe.
- Has flavor similar to watercress with that zippy flavor and pleasant texture.
- Cut and harvest when young and plant successively every two weeks. It will keep growing as long as temperatures are moderate.
- Also known, as American Cress, Belle Isle Cress, Early yellow rocket, scurvy cress, creasy greens, and upland cress. With all these names a becomes a bit confusing, however, it is delicious stuffed into sandwiches, salads or if plants are maturing faster than you can keep up, cut a bunch and saute in butter or oil and splash with a few drops of apple cider vinegar and serve.
- Cut plants back as you harvest for regrowth. Thin seedling to about 4” apart. Best in cool moist soil and partial shade.
Planting Directions: Plant outdoors after last frost and again in September to mature before first hard frost. Plant in rows 8” to 10” apart. Plant seed ¼” deep. Cut 2” from the base to allow several harvests of cress. Successive plantings may be made as long as weather is cool.