Zebrune Shallot
- 100 days. Heirloom. Open pollinated.
- Zebrune Shallot is an Heirloom Eschalion or banana Shallot from France
- Produces long brown bulbs tinged with pink.
- This shallot has a good resistance to bolting and stores well..
- Sweet, mild flavored shallots are a main stay for gourmet cooking.
Planting Directions: For transplants, sow seed in sterile potting soil and then transplant when plants are 2-3” tall. Direct sow when the ground can be worked and daytime temperatures are above 50 degrees. Grow bulbs close together with rows 10-15” apart. Germination takes 5-14 days with temperatures of 45-70 degrees. Shallots perform best in soils of high fertility particularly nitrogen and phosphorous. Organic gardeners will want to use chicken manure or any kind of seed meal at a rate of about ½ to 1 gallon per 50 foot row added to soil at planting. Water uniformly, shallots are shallow rooted so they benefit from regular irrigation. Reduce water when bulbs are close to 2” harvest size. Shallots store best at temperatures of 32-35 ° and low relative humidity. If they are dried they will store at 50 °. Dry out of the direct sun and handle freshly dug bulbs with care as they can bruise from rough handling before they are cured.