Western Pollinator Mix
Create a sustainable landscape that attracts pollinators and beneficial insects to your yard and garden. Matures into a sustainable landscape that attract beneficials in the first year and continues to do so for years to come. Learn the importance and benefit of our native pollinators from the Xerces Society -http://www.xerces.org/.
Especially formulated for the western US. The Western Pollinator Mix attracts a variety of pollinators to your area. Includes: Baby Blue-Eyes, Bigflower Cinquefoil, Blanket flower, Blue Flax, CAlifornia Bluebell, California Poppy, Clarkia, Dward Godetia, Felabane, Globe Gillia, Golden Aster, Lacy Phacelia, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Aster, Prairie Coneflower, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Showy Goldeneye, Utah Sweetvetch and Yellow Lupine. 1 oz plants 200 sq.ft.
Planting Directions: Sow seed thinly into prepared ground. Press seed firmly into soil and barely cover seeds with a sprinkling of fine soil. Mild winter areas can be fall planted. All regions may be planted in early spring. Soil should be moderately fertile and free of weeds. For maintenance provide frequent waterings until seedlings have developed several leaves. During the growing season don’t be too concerned about weeding. Nevertheless don’t allow noxious weeds like thistle and bindweed to become established. 1 oz sows 200 sq ft., 4 grams plants approx. 28 sq ft.