Viroflay Spinach

Viroflay Giant Spinach

Regular price $3.25 $0.00 Unit price per
    Open pollinated. Heirloom.
    • 50 days. 
    • Plants can reach an astounding two feet in diameter. 
    • Viroflay Giant Spinach, slightly crumpled, 10”  leaves are sweet and thick. 
    • An excellent spinach for cooking because there is so much cutting material.
    • Plant in late summer for fall into early winter harvest or in early spring.
    • French heirloom, introduced prior to 1875.
    • Used in the breeding of many modern hybrids.

       Planting Directions:  Sow seed outdoors in early spring when soil temperatures have reached 45° to 75 °. Plant seed ½” deep thinning plants 4-6” apart. When preparing the soil add  a general purpose fertilizer or compost .Spinach grows best when soil temperature reaches about  60°. Plant again in fall 60-70 days before first frost. Water light but regularly. Spinach bolts during hot weather or when there is more than 14 hours of light.