Summer Greens Mesclun Mix
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- We all look forward to favorite summer veggies and fruits. However, for a steady supply of fresh salads, smoothies and stir-frys you can’t do better than fresh from the garden produce.
- We are introducing a Summer Greens Mesclun Mix, a new blend of greens for multiple cuttings. For a continuous supply resow every 40 to 60 days.
- This blend of warm weather greens includes greens that are proven to be heat tolerant. You will enjoy the crunch and tangy flavor of this blend.
Directions: Sow seeds in well-prepared seed bed in a sunny location (tolerates semi-shade.) Sow seeds lightly about 1/2” or so apart. Sprinkle seeds on soil and then smooth seeds into place. Sprinkle with water until evenly moist. Keep seedbed lightly moist throughout the growing period. Seed will sprout in 7-10 days. Sow every 40 to 60 days for a continuous supply throughout summer and into winter. Harvesting: Can begin harvesting in 30 days. Use scissors to cut a few leaves from each plant or thin crowded plants by pulling. Harvest will extend over several weeks. Keep soil moist and lightly fertilized for best quality.