Spinach Beet - Perpetual Spinach - Erbette
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- 55 days.
- Spinach Beet is a Nichols customer favorite.
- Small, smooth and tender dark green leaves.
- Provides a long harvest of tender greens through summer into early winter. Plants grow up to 12" tall.
- Drought, frost and bolt resistant.
Planting Directions: Sow seed outdoors in early spring when soil temperatures have reached 45° to 75° -optimum of 70°. Plant seed ½” deep thinning plants 4-5” apart. When preparing the soil add a general purpose fertilizer or compost .Spinach grows best when soil temperature reaches about 60°. Plant again in fall 60-70 days before first frost. Water light but regularly. Spinach bolts during hot weather or when there is more than 14 hours of light.