Poppy, 'Shirley Doubles'
Papaver rhoeas. Annual. 2.5'.
In 1880, in Shirley, England, Reverend Wilkes discovered a red poppy with a white edge and a pink center. From seed he saved, came these much loved poppies in shadings in pink, ivory, corals and reds. Sow directly in early spring, full sun. Handsome plant.
Planting Directions: Sow seed outdoors in well prepared soil that has been amended with compost or general garden fertilizer if compost is not available. In regions with cold winters sow seed in early spring when soil is still cool and there is possibility of a light frost. In warmer areas sow in fall. Broadcast seed and barely cover with fine soil. Keep evenly moist until germination occurs. Thin plants to stand 6-10” apart in full sun, well drained soil. If started indoors sow seed 6 to 8 weeks before your last frost. Maintain temperature of 70° to 75° in the seed starting medium. Poppies do best if sown where they are to grow. To prolong blooming period do not allow seed pods to develop. Pick in bud stage for cut flowers. Blooms are fragrant.