Wildflower Mix, Shady Blend
Shade Loving Wildflowers, suitable for areas receiving a minimum of 4 hours sun. Contains about 15 varieties mostly biennial or perennial. Bright pastel colors as listed below: Columbine, Tussock Bellflower, Shasta Daisy, Clarkia, Chinese Houses, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Chinese Forget-me-not, Rocket Larkspur, Sweet William Pinks, Purple Coneflower, Annual Baby's Breath, Annual Candytuft, Spurred Snapdragon, Monkeyflower, Forege-Me-Not, Baby Blue Eyes, Corn Poppy and Johnny Jump-Up.
Planting Directions: Plant seed directly in the open where plants are to remain in well prepared soil after all danger of frost is past. In frost free areas, seed may be planted in the Fall. Mix seed with several times its bulk in fine soil and sow broadcast, preferably in an open, shady location. Cover 1/8” and press soil down firmly. When plants are well established, thin out to stand 6” apart as crowding produces inferior plants. Keep ground moist with fine spray until plants are well up. If allowed to remain, the plants will reseed.