Rouge d'Hiver Lettuce Organic

Rouge d'Hiver Lettuce

Regular price $3.25 Unit price per
    Open Pollinated Heirloom 
    •  Semi-romaine, Rouge d'Hiver Lettuce. is a French heirloom introduced in 1885 by the venerable Vilmorin seed company.
    • Leaves are tender, smooth and fine flavored. At maturity they grow 10-12” tall. 
    • The young leaves can be repeat harvested for salads as long as no more than 1/3rd of the plant is taken. 
    • Cold tolerant but not for a midsummer garden. 
    Planting Directions: Sow seed ¼” deep in well prepared soil that has been amended with a general garden fertilizer or rich compost when soil temperatures are between 40°-80°.  Sow indoors 4 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Plant in early spring and again in fall. When young plants are well established begin thinning. The plants should stand 6” apart. Plant every few  weeks as long as weather is cool for a continuous supply. Grow  lettuce  quickly  for a crisp leaf. Keep the soil moderately moist during the entire growing season.