Rainbow Carrot Blend
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- 75 days.
- This striking mix contains equal amounts of Bambino, Atomic Red, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White and Solar Yellow carrots.
- Fun to grow and fun to eat, pass around carrot sticks and see who can identify the color they are eating.
- The original carrots were white and purple, the orange orange carrot is relatively new and first cultivated in Holland in the 16th-17th century. They had appeared from time to time but were not selected and grown.
Planting Directions: Direct sow in early spring to midsummer when soil temperature is between 45° to 85°. Plant seeds 1/4” deep as sparingly as possible spacing rows 6-8” apart. Thin to at least 2” between plants. Prepare the soil in spring by working in a generous amount of well rotted compost. If compost is not available, plant in loose, rich soil that has been amended with a general garden fertilizer. Rake and smooth the soil surface before planting. Carrots grow best when soil temperature are 60° to 70°. Add a layer of mulch around the plants to help keep soil cool. For highest yields sow carrots in a bed and thin 2-3” apart.