Purple Vienna Kohlrabi
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- 60 days.
- Tennis ball sized purple bulbs of Purple Vienna Kohlrabi are delicately flavored, sweet and tender.
- This cabbage/turnip cousin is highly popular in Germany and Eastern Europe and thrives in cool weather.
- Multiple purple stems and colorful leaves make Purple Vienna Kohlrabi a garden standout.
- Plant 3" apart and begin harvesting when 2". Plant in early spring or late summer for a fall crop.
- Insect resistant.
- Cooks up tender and delicious, we enjoy it freshly sliced as a snack or salad.
Planting Directions: Plant in spring as early as the ground can be worked and soil temperature is between 45° to 85°. Cultivate soil and add compost or manure prior to planting. Sow seed 1/2” deep, at 3-4 seeds per inch and rows spaced 18” apart. Thin seedlings when they reach 6” to 12-18” centers. Kohlrabi may be started in cold frames or indoors. Transplant or thin to 2” apart when plants are 2” tall. Plant late summer for a fall crop.