Poached Egg Flower
Limnanthes douglasii. Annual. 6".
Attracts Pollinators.
A low spreading mass of white and yellow blooms. Known as Poached Egg Flower because of the large yellow center and white petal edging. They are attractive to beneficial insects and bees.
Planting Directions: Direct sow in well prepared garden soil in early spring when the soil is cool and a light frost is still possible. Sow in late fall for early spring blooms. Barely cover seeds with soil. Germination takes 14-21 day with soil temperatures of 50°-60°. Thin seedlings to 4” apart. Plant in full sun or part shade. Poached Egg Flower does best with moist, cool, drained soil, but it tolerates wet soil. Plant as a meadow planting, mixed in your border or in rockeries. Self sows and naturalizes readily.