Perfection Fennel Organic
Regular price
- 75-80 days.
- A superior bulbing fennel even better than the European standard Zefa Fino. Perfection is larger and more uniform than any open pollinated finocchio we have seen.
- Perfection Fennel is bolt resistant.
- Keep watered on a regular basis for best production of large bulbs.
- Cut off any flowers that may form for large bulb development.
- Fun to grow and cook.
Planting Directions: Sow seed in spring after all danger of frost has past and soil temperature is between of 65° to 80°. Soil should be well prepared prior to planting and amended with rich compost or a general garden fertilizer. Plant seed 1/4” deep, in rows 2’ apart. Thin to 6” apart when plants are 2” high. Sow Finnochio where it is to grow, in fertile, well-drained soil. Plant in full sun. If any flowers should form, keep them picked.