Nicotiana Sylvestris Ghost Pipes
Ghost Pipes - Nicotiana sylvestris. Annual. 5'.
A favorite flower of ours, its fragrance is sweet and heady on a summer evening; handles semi shade. Long, white tubular flowers resemble a burst of fireworks. Dramatic large, green leaves, flowers are fragrant. The tall plants make a statement at dusk with the lovely white pendent flowers and sweet fragrance. It’s easy to collect seed starting in spring. Here in Western Oregon it will sometimes winter over.
Planting Directions: Sow indoors 6 to 8 weeks before your last frost or transplanting. Plant seed on soil surface and do not cover as Nicotiana needs light to germinate. Maintain a soil temperature of 70° to 75° until germination, then grow on at 60° until ready for transplanting. Direct sow in the garden after the last frost. Transplant or thin 24-30” apart. Plant in moderately fertile soil, full sun or light shade. Water regularly especially during hot dry summers and deadhead often.