Nicotiana Purple Perfume
Annual/16-20 inches
Nicotiana Purple Perfume exudes an intoxicating fragrance at night, long lasting in landscapes and containers. This looks remarkably like a unique deep purple nicotiana that showed up in many gardens several years ago. Fragrant, deep purple flowers; blooms all summer. Nicotiana, named for Jean Nicot, who introduced tobacco to the French Court, needs a sunny location and is perfectly adaptable to container culture. AAS Winner.
Planting Directions: Sow indoors 6 to 8 weeks before your last frost or transplanting. Plant seed on soil surface and do not cover as Nicotiana needs light to germinate. Maintain a soil temperature of 70° to 75° until germination, then grow on at 60° until ready for transplanting. Direct sow in the garden after the last frost. Transplant or thin 18-24” apart. Plant in moderately fertile soil, full sun or light shade. Water regularly especially during hot dry summers and deadhead often.