Nichols Chicken Scratch
- 30 days.
- As more gardeners, both city and country grow a few hens for eggs, we realized the need for a top quality greens mixture to develop eggs with brightly colored yolks, high in Omega 3's.
- You can let the chickens feed on this mix and scratch and then rotate to another section or cut the greens and add to their feed. As the plants develop you can let the chickens graze for longer periods.
- All the varieties in Nichols Chicken Scratch will grow and regrow as a cut and cut again crop.
- Our blend contains: Bloomsdale Spinach, Old Fashioned Mustard, Oak Leaf Lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce, Vates Dwarf Blue Scotch Kale, Red Giant Mustard and Collards.
Planting Directions: Scatter seed on prepared soil. Rake over seed to barely cover with soil. Plant in spring as early as the ground can be worked. Enrich with general purpose fertilizer or rich compost. Optimum soil temperature for germination is 45°-85°. Soil temperature for growing is 50°-70°. Plant seed 1/4” deep in rows 1-2” apart. When the plants are 1” high begin thinning and continue throughout the growing season until plants are 6” apart. Or just scatter seed on prepared soil. Rake over seed to barely cover with soil and water. Sow from early spring at 3 week intervals until summer for early crops. Fall crops sow from late summer to early fall. Turn the chickens in on planting area to forage or cut the greens and add to their feed.