Little Finger Carrot

Little Finger Carrot

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    Open Pollinated.  Heirloom
    • 60 to 68 days.
    • Little Finger Carrot is a fast growing sweet baby Nantes type is crisp, bright orange with a narrow tender core. Far superior and more flavorful than grocery store baby carrots which are milled or picked when immature. 
    • Start sowing seeds March right on through July for steady harvest into winter. Harvesting around 60 days is recommended though carrots left in ground during the onset of winter can hold longer. Harvest when 4” long and certainly no more than 5”.
    •  Use for fresh eating or pickling. Plant closely together, excellent in containers and can tolerate heavy soils better than most varieties. 

    Planting Directions: Direct sow in early spring to midsummer when soil temperate is between  45° to 85°. Plant seeds 1/4” deep as sparingly as possible spacing rows 6-8” apart. Thin to at least 2” between plants. Prepare the soil in spring by working in a generous amount of well rotted compost. If compost is not available, plant in loose, rich soil that has been amended with a general garden fertilizer. Rake and smooth the soil  surface before planting. Carrots grow best when soil temperature are 60° to   70°. Add a layer of mulch around the plants to help keep soil cool.