Lettuce Alone Salad Blend

Lettuce Alone Salad Blend

Regular price $3.25 $0.00 Unit price per
    Open Pollinated.
    • Nichols Lettuce Alone Salad Blend is a special mixture of loose leaf lettuces offers a selection of color and textures that will keep you in salads for months. 
    • These varieties are selected to grow well together and are easily harvested as a cut and come again crop for repeat harvests. 
    • Allow seedlings to grow 4" to 5" and harvest with scissors or a sharp knife 1" above the soil. 
    • Includes: Black Seeded Simpson ,  OakLeaf, Red Sails, Tango, Ruby and Red Salad Bown.    Sold as a single blended packet.

     Planting Directions:  Sow seeds in well-prepared seed bed in a sunny location.  Sow seeds lightly about 1/2” or so apart. Sprinkle seeds on soil and then smooth seeds into place.  Sprinkle with water until evenly moist.  Keep seedbed lightly moist throughout the growing period.  Seed will sprout in 7-10 days.

    Harvesting: Allow seedlings to grow to 4-5” and harvest with scissors or a sharp knife 1” above the soil. Keep soil moist and lightly fertilized for best quality.