Sweet Pea, High Scent
Lathyrus odorutus. Annual growing 4 to 6 feet tall.
The ultimate in rich sweet pea fragrance. High Scent Sweet pea is a long stemmed, cream colored blooms are large, frilled, and softly edged in blue. A delicious bouquet alone or mixed with other sweet peas.
Planting Directions: Where climate will permit, sow seed from late Summer to early Winter for Spring flowering. Plant in spring as weather and soil conditions permit. Plant seed in a trench 6” deep, about 1” apart. Cover with 1” of soil. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. When plants are well established, fill up the trench gradually until ground surface is level. Thin climbing varieties to 6” apart. Bush varieties to 3” apart. Begin training the vining varieties on strings when 6-8” tall. Bush varieties need no staking or support.