Sorrel, Garden
Rumex acetosa. Perennial. 2 to 3 ft.
Garden Sorrel 's juicy stems and narrow, arrow shaped leaves are among the first perennial greens to appear in springl. Leaves have a sour taste and make an excellent sorrel dip. Ancient leaf vegetable, easy to grow. Leaves used for salads and soups, high in Vitamin C - used in diet for scurvy.
Planting Directions: Start seed indoors 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting to garden. Sow seed ¼” deep in sterile seed starting mix with a soil temperatures of 70? to 80?. Transplant after last frost when temperatures warm in spring. Plant seed outdoors after all danger of frost is past and soil has warmed. Plant in rich, well prepared soil. Thin or transplant to 8 inches apart when plants are 4 to 6 inches tall. Do not allow plants to exhaust themselves by going to seed, cut seed heads off. Feed established plants in spring. Frequent watering and mulching will help leaves from becoming bitter during extreme hot weather, or just cut plants back to the ground. New growth will appear as weather cools.