Nasturtium, Dwarf Jewel
Tropaeolum minus Annual. 9".
Single Dwarf Nasturtium basic edible flower commonly planted with a vegtable garden as a companion plant and for spot color. Bright colored flowers in yellows, oranges, and reds, adorn this dwarf plant all summer and into fall. Half ripened seeds used in mustard pickles. Leaf and flowers used in salads. Insect repellent for Limas, Melons, Squash. All parts of nasturtiums are edible but the flowers have the best flavor; a peppery taste that combines well with other greens in a salad as well as providing a color accent.
Planting Directions: Sow seeds 1/2” deep in fine soil after danger from frost has past. Germination takes 7-12 days. Thin plants to 8” apart when plants are 3” tall. Nasturtiums prefer light full sun, with afternoon shade where summers are hot.
Provide a trellis or other support for climbing species. Nasturtiums will flower best in ordinary rather than rich soil. Nasturtiums do not transplant easily.