Derby Bush Bean
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- 57 days.
- Long, thin pods to 7". Seeds develop slowly, so beans remain tender.
- Outstanding flavor with above average yields. Easy to harvest. White seed.
- All America Selection 1990. High scorer in field trials for its strong bush habit and resistance to common bean mosaic virus.
Planting Directions: Direct sow in spring after frost danger has passed and soil temperature is a minimum of 60°, 70° is optimum. Plant 1”to 2” deep, 4-6” apart. Plant in full sun. Plant in moderately fertile soil. Keep soil moist until seed germinates, after that water moderately and regularly until harvest. Germination usually takes 7 to 14 days when properly tended. After each picking water deep to prolong production. Plant several plantings in 3 week intervals to prolong the harvest period.
More Info: All beans, Phaseolus vulgaris, are native to the new world and easy to grow. These include garden beans, kidney beans and runner beans.