Foxglove Digitalis purpurea

Foxglove, Excelsior

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 Digitalis purpurea Hardy Biennal grows 2-3 ft tall.

This lovely old fashioned garden plant has adorned herb and perennial gardens for centuries. Low growing foliage supports 2 to 3 foot fower spikes ranging in color from creamy white to purple. Foxglove will rebloom later in the season if the spent flower heads are cut off.  Seed sown in late winter will produce plants that bloom the first year. Grows in full sun, shade or partial shade with moderate moisture requirements.

Planting DirectionsSow outdoors 1/8” deep in fine soil when all danger of frost is past.  Germinates in approximately 2 weeks with temperatures of 60°-65°and light.  Transplant or thin to 18” apart when plants are 3” tall.  Plants produce a basal rosette during first year of growth and flower in the second year.