Cajun Jewel Okra Organic
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- 65 days.
- Cajun Jewel Okra is a longtime Louisiana favorite that adapts well to northern growing conditions.
- Dwarf, spineless 3’-4’ plants are productive.
- Northern growers have better yields when the first few pods are picked very small from young plants.
- Especially good for short season areas.
Planting Directions: Plant seed 1” deep in sterile seed starting mix, 5-6 weeks before last frost. Maintain soil temperature of 80°-95°. Transplant into garden when soil stays 75° or warmer, space plants 12” apart in loose, well prepared soil. Soil should be amended with compost or a general garden fertilizer. Direct sow only in warm regions and in cooler areas plants benefit from use of a garden blanket until weather warms sufficiently. Although pods grow 6-7”, pick earlier and regularly to prolong the harvest season.