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Fagopyrum esculentum. Annual
Attracts Pollinators
Annual. 24".A very fast growing cover crop that is ready in 5 to 6 weeks.
- Mow or cultivate into soil before seed heads form.
- This fast growing broad leaved plant virtually smothers all weeds including thistle while providing a habitat for beneficial insects.
- Buckwheat increases phosphorous availability to subsequent crops. Does not withstand frost making it a good summer cover crop.
- 1 pound sows 500 sq. ft.
Planting Directions: Plant in well prepared soil in summer when soil is warm and temperatures are high. Broadcast a cup of seed over 100 square feet or 1 lb. for 500 square feet. Rake it in about an inch deep. It will sprout, grow and begin to bloom within six weeks at which time it is ready to turn under.