Bergamot Panorama Mix
Monarda didyma. Perennial. 30".
Bergamot Panorama Mix also known as Oswego Tea or Bee Balm. Leaves make a delicate, fragrant tea with notes of mint and citrus. Edible flowers, in shades of red, pink, scarlet and crimson, attract hummingbirds and bees.
Planting Directions: Start seed indoors 6-8 weeks prior to transplanting outdoors. Seed starting medium should be kept at 60-70?. Sow seed 1/8” to ¼” deep. Sow seed outdoors after all danger of frost has past and soil temperature is 60-70?, thinning when plants are 2-4” tall. Space plants 6-10” apart. Bergamot requires high soil fertility and ample moisture. It does spread my means of runners, plant in areas where this is not a problem. Bergamot tends to wander if not fertilized every spring.